
Gender Equality Paragraph

Gender Equality

Gender equality means equal treatment for both men and women. There will be no discrimination between male and female. Both of them will be treated equally in regard to food, education, accommodation , cloth and medical treatment. Ensuring gender equality is very important. If gender equality is ensured, peaceful co-existence can be kept. Besides, sustainable development can never be achieved if gender discrimination exists in a society or a country. The condition of gender equality in our country is not satisfactory. Because of the fact that gender discrimination exists here severely. There are some barriers for which gender equality does not exist here. Want of female education, socio-economic set up, religious misinterpretation (ধর্মীয় অপব্যাখ্যা), superstitious beliefs (কুসংস্কারপূর্ণ বিশ্বাস), male domination over female are some of the barriers to gender equality. Illiteracy, religious bigotry, male dominated society and so on are responsible for these barriers. These barriers should be removed by encouraging female education. Besides, religious misinterpretation should be stopped to ensure gender equality. If we fail to ensure gender equality, overall development of our country will be hindered. Because of the fact that women comprise half of our population. If they are not allowed to be involved in workforce, sustainable amelioration will never be obtained. Consequently, our country will lag behind.

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