
Generation Gap Paragraph

Generation Gap

Time is flying very fast creating gaps in the flow of generations. Human civilization is actually made of various generations. When one generation ends, another starts. It enjoys countless slow and rapid changes. Change is indeed the law of nature. Old goes away and new takes the place by the order of time. Every age has its own way of looking at things. These changes in perceptions create the generation gap. There is always an opposition between the old and the young. The old people have seen much of the life. They consider their experience and wisdom as infallible. They tend to dictate the young according to their own ideas and notions. They fail to adjust themselves to the rapidly changing world. Every age or generation must be free to act for itself. The dreams, ideologies, values and aspirations of the young and the old will always differ. The old generation stands for traditional values, social norms and moral codes of conduct. They have experience, wisdom and prudence. They are not always ready to accept what is new and changing. But change is easily accepted by the young generation. But it appears to be ghostly and unacceptable to the old generation. The young can't readily accept anything. They make their own analysis of good or bad and right or wrong. They clamour for changes in the whole socio-economic set-up. Young generation is full of vigour, energy and vivacity. They are eager to accept what is new and attractive. The conflicting ideologies of the two generations thus cause frustration and tension among the young and the old. They are making fury and anxiety among them. The generation gap thus continues to grow.

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