
Islam and Christianity Paragraph

Islam and Christianit

Islam and Christianity are two major religions of the world having several differences from one another. But they share several basic beliefs and practices. The people of these religions pray to the same deity whom the Muslims call Allah and the Christians call God. The Muslims have a holy book named the Quran. In the same way, the Christians have also a holy book named the Bible. The Muslims read the holy Quran to gain religious knowledge. They try to mould their characters and lead their lives according to the guidelines of the holy Quran. Likewise, the Christians also read the Bible to gain religious knowledge. They try to lead their lives on the basis of the knowledge of the Bible. The holy Quran is the complete code of life for the Muslims of the whole world. Similarly, the Bible is the complete code of life for the Christians. Hazrat Muhammad (sm.) is the prophet of the Muslims. In the same manner, Jesus Christ is the prophet of the Christians. He is often believed to be God. All the Muslims believe in the holy Quran and in the holy sayings of the prophet. They also believe in the five pillars of Islam. They believe that Islam is their religion too. Similarly, the Christians believe in the holy sayings of Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments. The Muslims believe in the final judgment day. The Christians also have the same faith. Besides, there are many other similarities and dissimilarities between the people of two religions.

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