
Life of a Hawker Paragraph

Life of a Hawker

Life of a hawker is a simple tale having no magnificence, variety and pomposity. It is full of want, suffering and hard work. A hawker is a poor man belonging to the lower class in our society. He gets out of his home early in the morning. He buys cheap and small articles of trade at a cheaper rate. But he tries to sell them at a good profit. He carries his articles on a hand-cart or in a basket on his head. Sometimes he carries them even with his hand. He moves along the streets and roads to sell his articles. They are found generally in the residential areas of towns. But now-a-days they are found even in the paths village. They sell all kinds of things ranging from foodstuff to small toys. They sell especially those things which are liked very much by women and children. He enters the residential areas in towns especially when the adult male members of families are out of house. They take the opportunity of the absence of the adult males. As he moves along the streets, he makes a peculiar cry or blows his whistle. Children and women are familiar with these cries or whistles. They come out of their houses and gather around the hawker. Then they begin to buy things of their own choice from him. Now-a-days hawkers also sell vegetables. All day long, he moves around different areas till evening comes down. He cannot sell his articles in the dark. So he goes home at nightfall. He leads his life through hardship. He earns little for maintaining his family. He lives almost hand to mouth. He along with his family starves when the weather becomes foul. He can scarcely meet his maintenance with his small income. Thus his life is hard, sorrowful and poverty stricken.

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