
My Childhood Memories Paragraph

My Childhood Memories

Childhood seems to be the golden period of one's life when one becomes adult and recollects the memories of being child. It is very sweet to call up childhood days. I often look back on my boyhood days and try to remember the sweet events of those days. I was the youngest son of my parents. So, all the members of our family loved me very dearly. They gave me whatever I asked for. They always wanted to make me happy. I was five years old when I got myself admitted into a IDB '10] primary school. My first day at school was one of the happiest days for me. I went to school that day with my father. My teachers spoke kind and affectionate words to me. My classmates received me with love and interest. I took my first lesson and that was a new experience to me. My teachers and classmates were all good to me. I am now far from their sweet company but I will never forget them in my life. I used to go to the market of our village with my father and pass a happy time there. The shops of sweetmeats and fancy toys had a great charm for me. I used to play with my playmates and used to bathe in the pond. How happy I was at my childhood days ! The happy memory of those days still fills my heart with a great joy. I wish I could go back to those happy days!

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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