
Premature Marriage Paragraph

Premature Marriage

Marriage is a legal bondage between husband and wife. Holy relationship can be ensured by marriage. But premature marriage means early marriage. Before having physical and mental development if one is married off, one falls a victim to premature marriage. Besides, in accordance with our constitution if girls and boys are married off before 18 and 21 respectively, they fall a victim to premature marriage. Especially rural girls of poor illiterate parents are victims of premature marriage. Illiteracy, religious misinterpretation, superstitious beliefs, fear for social stigma , acute unemployment problem and poverty are some of the causes of premature marriage. Premature marriage causes various problems in our society. Girls are physically assaulted for dowry. If they fail to fulfil the demands of their husbands they are severely tortured. In some cases they are Ans. beaten to death or they commit suicide. Besides, those girls who are married off at a tender age deliver child suffering from malnutrition and various complex diseases. Mothers also suffer from anaemia and other physical complications . In some cases, mothers Er deliver dead child. Female education should be encouraged to stop premature marriage. It is a WL matter of pleasure that government has made female education compulsory and free. Guardians should be made alert to send their children to academic centres. More employment opportunities for female persons should be created to make them financially solvent. Besides, more strict laws should be introduced to stop premature marriage.

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