
Rural Development of Bangladesh Composition

Rural Development of Bangladesh

Rural development in Bangladesh is crying need. Villages are the nerves of our country. Sixty eight thousand villages of Bangladesh represent the true picture and identity of the country. About seventy five percent people live in the villages of Bangladesh. Hence the welfare of these villages will ensure the welfare of the country

Once the villages were in a very bad condition. They were ecards only as the places to collect taxes. Instead of enriching o the rich landowners fleeced them for their luxury and base enjoyments. Then the British came to rule our country. They cared only for the cities and towns. They neglected the villages completely. Rural areas were in great poverty and trouble. Only the pious souls of India and Bangladesh were tormented for the misery and poverty of the villages. Titumir, Gandhi, Rabidranath, A.K. Fazlul Haq and Maulana Bhasani felt deeply the need of developing the villages.

The present condition of rural areas of Bangladesh is frustrating. Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, social conflict, village politics and crimes are the common scenario of our country. Educational institutions in rural areas are few and far between. Roads and cultivation methods in the villages are backdated even today. Most of the villages are deprived of technology and electricity. This is the overall condition of almost all villages of our country.

But the bad condition is passing today. Villages are now getting the shape of the mini towns. Electricity is reaching every village. Television even satellite television, computer, internet, mobile phone and other facilities have already arrived at the villages. Power tiller has come in place of old cow-drawn plough. Electrical motor pumps water from rivers and from deep tube-wells for Irrigating land. Similarly, dairy and poultry farming are springing up in villages. Market, bazars and huts supply many essential things like the towns and cities. Rural economy rests on agriculture, backed by small scale and cottage industries.

Rural development is very essential for the all-round improvement of Bangladesh. Both the govt. and the general people should work together to develop the rural areas in reality. Thus our country will be able to rise up as an honourable country.

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