
The Food We Eat Today Paragraph

The Food We Eat Today

The food we eat today is mostly artificial, poisonous and unhygienic. We are actually habituated to have this food. We cannot get pure and unadulterated food today. But our forefathers used to eat natural food. All kinds of food were then natural and genuine. They were got directly from nature. They were produced by own power and possessions of nature. There was no interference of man then. Man made chemicals and devices were not then discovered. Food stuff grew in the bed of nature. But now man has discovered many chemical fertilizers. Those are being applied to vegetables and crops. They grow very quickly, more quickly than even before. They grow larger than ever before. But they are perhaps less vital, less nutritious and less tasty than they were before. Moreover, the insecticides employed in the field are deadly poisonous. We always eat the vegetables retaining much of the poison. So we cannot clean them. The fruits and vegetables are preserved with preservative. They are quickly ripened with poisonous medicines. Fishes are preserved with formalin. Meat is also preserved with preservative of some sort to make them look fresh. Medicines are given to cows and other animals for quick growth. Layer and broiler chickens are grown rapidly. They are processed in unhygienic way. Fishes are kept alive for long with formalin. In hotels, restaurants, bakeries and sweetmeat shops, pure foodstuffs are hardly available. Sometimes, meats of dead animals and chickens are sold there as food. Stale and rotten foodstuffs are also sold in the shape of hot sandwiches. Thus we eat various uneatable foods today finding no alternative.

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