It was a bright sunny morning. I was going to college with some of my friends. We were in a hilarious mood as To Rescue a Drowning Boy we were talking about our plan to go on a picnic. Suddenly I heard fearful shouts of some children standing beside a large and deep pond. I ran to them and asked them what had happened. All at a time they showed me a little boy who was about to drown in the pond. Without the least delay I jumped into the pond and swam to the best of my ability. As I reached the drowning boy, I first raised his face above the water level so that he could breathe. Then I placed him upon my shoulders and quickly swam back to the edge of the pond. learnt from my uncle, who is a village doctor, how to give first aids to any drowning person. I acted I accordingly and soon the boy came to senses. In the meantime, many villagers gathered round me. The parents of the boy also came running with tearful eyes. I assured them that their child was beyond danger. They became so happy that they could not speak anything. They only began to cry out of joy. When I was about to leave the place, they blessed me from the core of their hearts and requested me to visit their house any day I liked. I agreed and left the place for college with a happy heart.
To Rescue a Drowning Boy Story

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