
Transports in Bangladesh Paragraph

Transports in Bangladesh

Traditional and modern transport facilities are used in Bangladesh to carry people and goods. The traditional transports are rickshaws, vans, bicycles, boats, steamers, carriages etc. Rickshaws are the major vehicles at upzilla towns and even villages. They are also found abundantly in district and divisional towns and cities. Bicycles are usually used in the villages having very poor communication facilities. Carriages pulled by horses, cows or buffalos are frequently seen in rural areas. Steamers and boats are the very common transports moving in rivers and canals. On the other hand, the modern transports include trains, buses, taxis, planes, trucks and so on. Trains move in almost all regions in Bangladesh. They are very popular means of communication. Buses are very common passenger transports in towns and cities. Taxis, CNG three-wheeler and auto rickshaws are now increasingly used in towns. Trucks are the commonest means of carrying goods from one place to another in Bangladesh. Covered vans are also used in a great measure. Planes move both the internal and international routes. Thus both the traditional and modern transports are complementary to each other in the communication system of Bangladesh.

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