
Tree Plantation Composition

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation must be a moral and national duty for the existence of man and other animals. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relation with nature. As a part of nature, trees are very intimately related to our life. They play an important role in our life and economy. "We all must plant trees or die" should be the slogan of the time.

The weather, climate and fertile land of Bangladesh are suitable for planting trees. June and July are the best months for tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. It becomes an obligatory responsibility today. We depend on trees for food, vitamins and furniture. Besides, the balance of our ecosystem and the equilibrium of various sub systems of the earth depend on them. In a word, the total health of the earth and nature is now greatly depending on the existence of trees, plants, herbs and shrubs.

Human beings and animals on earth are breathing in oxygen from the air and breathing out carbon-di-oxide. Every moment a huge quantity of fire is being made on earth for various purposes. As we all know, fire needs oxygen to thrive on. In other words, it is oxygen which gives life to fire. Again, fire burns various things and composes of carbon. It is producing carbon-di-oxide and emitting it into the air. As a consequence, the amount of oxygen is diminishing from the atmosphere. The amount of CFC gases is increasing. This inevitably proves that life on earth is being threatened. Ozone layer of gas over the earth is dangerously going to be destroyed. The ozone layer saves the earth by protecting ultra-violet rays of the sun as well as of other cosmic bodies. The layer absorbs such life-destroying rays. But a destruction of this layer means the intrusion of such rays into the atmosphere of earth. This understandably is fatal to the existence of life.

Thus trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy them at random, one day our green and lovable planet will turn into a great desert. The earth must bear the consequences of green house effect. Daught, cyclone, flood and many other natural calamities will grip her. Food security for millions of people will break down.

More and more trees must be implanted for solving these problems. Trees and all kinds of plants produce their own food inside their cells by a process called photosynthesis. In this process, they use carbon-dioxide which is our input. They produce oxygen as an output. They emit this oxygen into the air. Thus the balance of gasses in the atmosphere is maintained. This will also be maintaining if sufficient trees exist on earth. Therefore, it is time for us to become conscious of the merits of tree plantation. Trees must be implanted everywhere. They must be implanted in every piece of land or pasture even around our houses where there are slices of land unplanted. Towards this purpose, we have to build up social awareness. Exemplary initiatives need also to be taken of the part on the government. Moreover, all non-government institutions should come forward with this timely slogan, "Let us plant more trees and save our planet." 

It is needless to talk about the importance of trees again. It is impossible to describe the importance and uses of trees in words. They are part and parcel in our day to day life. We cannot think of our existence without them. So we should not use and destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees more and more for better, happier and healthier life. We have to go on tree plantation programme with the steps of government.

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