
Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone Paragraph

Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone
Uses and Abuses of Cell Phone

Millions of people around the world use cellular phones in many ways. They use mobile phones to communicate with each other. They follow the stock market and keep up with the news. They check the weather and make travel plans. They conduct business, shop and entertain themselves and learn. Staying connected has become so important that it is hard to get away from this tiny equipment. With a cell phone, people can talk to anyone of the planet from just about anywhere. Today cell phones provide an incredible array of functions. New ones are being added at a breakneck pace. Depending on the cell-phone model, people can store contact information. They can make task or to-do lists. They can keep task of appointments and set reminders. They use it for the built-in calculator for simple math. They send or receive e-mail with a cell-phone. They can get information like news and entertainment. They can stock quotes from the internet. They can play games and watch TV with this little set. They may easily send text messages and integrate other devices such as PDAs, MP3 players and GPS receivers. It makes our life easier and comfortable. But with all its advantages, it has some bad effects. Cellular phone has harmful impact on human being. It badly damages nerve and brain cells, especially of children and pregnant women. There are also risks involved with driving vehicles and talking on cellular phones. With all its bad and good aspects, life now becomes simply unimaginable without cell phone. It makes the world smaller. It brings our near and dear ones closer and nearer than we could ever imagine.

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