
Ways of Fighting Corruption Paragraph

Ways of Fighting Corruption

Now-a-days the most discussed and most detested practice is corruption. Corruption is actually an immoral behaviour and practice of people holding great places and positions of power. Surprising and deplorable as well to note that corruption in Bangladesh is not confined to high officials only. It has already and glaringly spread even to the fourth class employees or grass root level. Consequently, all sectors and departments are steeped in corruption. Transparency International has five times declared Bangladesh as the number one corrupted country in the world. All development efforts have been seriously interrupted by corruption. If this situation continues, the future of Bangladesh including its economy, politics and moral values will be threatened to non-existence. In order to get rid of this greatest curse, some measures must be positively taken. All people concerned should be conscious and sincere. Government should adopt a long-term policy to improve education sector by giving moral education to all concerned. Government must enact some . necessary laws to stop corruption at least to bridle it. Reformation must be ensured in administration, politics, economy and commercial affairs. True democracy must be cultivated within the political parties and by political leaders. Exemplary punishment must be inflicted upon the top corrupt high officials. Of course, uprightness and impartiality must be ensured in every case. Above all, answerableness for actions in all fields and sectors must be given topmost priority.

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