
A Farmer Paragraph

A Farmer

The person who manages a farm is a farmer. Bangladesh is a land of farmers. Generally farmers live in villages. A farmer may be rich or poor. He rises early in the morning. After taking breakfast he goes to his field with necessary tools and bullocks. In the field he tills his land properly. He works very hard. A farmer always tries to grow crops in his fields. He grows many crops in his fields. He sells the crops in the market. He contributes to the economy of his country. In our country maximum farmers are poor. He cultivates the land of others. He does not get enough to eat. He has to live from hand to mouth. He works from dawn to dusk. He struggles hard for his survival. He does good job for his family and country. So, the farmer is the real friend of our country. We should evaluate farmers properly so that they can work sincerely and heartily.

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