
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Story

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Oneday two close friends went to a forest to see the natural beauty and they lost their way. They knew it very well that the forest was the abode of various wild animals. So, they promised to one another that they would never leave each other in times of danger. One friend knew how to climb on a tree but the other did not. Anyway, they were walking through the jungle and searching the way. All on a sudden, they saw a bear coming towards them. They both got frightened. One friend said, "Dear friend, I will climb up a tree. As you don't know how to climb, you had better run away." The other friend became very disappointed hearing this. So, finding no other way, he fell flat on the ground like a dead person. The bear smelt the body of the lying friend and thought him to be a dead body and went away gently. The friend on the tree saw everything. When the bear went away, he got down from the tree and asked his friend eagerly. "Dear friend, what did the bear whisper into your ear?" In reply the friend said, "It advised me not to trust a friend who leaves his friend at the time of danger."

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