
A Gready Farmer Story

A Gready Farmer
Or, Grasp All, Lose All

Once there lived a greedy man. He had a goose. It was a wonderful goose. Because it laid golden eggs. The man was very happy with the goose. In course of time, he became very greedy and he thought that the stomach of the goose was full of eggs. But it laid only one egg a day. So it would be take time to become rich. He thought that if he would cut open the belly of the goose, he would get all the eggs at a time and would be rich. He told his wife about his plan. His wife suggested to him not to be greedy. He could not listen her words. He brought a knife and cut the belly of the goose. But alas! There were no egg at all. He wanted to have all the eggs at a time and become a rich man overnight. But now, his goose is no more. Instead of becoming rich he became poor. Now he realized that over greediness brought misfortune for him.

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