
A Lazy Boy Story

A Lazy Boy

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack. His mother was a widow and he was her only child. They were very poor and the old woman made a living by spinning. But was so lazy that he would not work at all. At last his mother warned him that if he did not work to earn his living, she would turn him out of the house. This threat produced an effect. He went out and a farmer hired him. After the day's work the farmer gave him a large piece of cheese. Jack put it on his head and walked home. Part of the cheese was lost and part of it was matted with his hair. Jack "You foolish boy," said his mother. "You should have carried it carefully in your hands." "I'll do so another time," said Jack. The next day he went out again and a baker hired him. For his day's work, the baker gave him a tom cat. Jack took it and started carrying it in his hands. A short time afterwards, the cat scratched his hands so much that he let it go. When he returned home, his mother said, "You silly fellow, you should have tied it to a string and pulled it along." "I'll do so another time," said Jack. The next day a butcher hired him and gave him for his work a shoulder of mutton. Jack to a string and pulled it along after him. By the time he reached home, the meat was quite spoilt.
This time his mother lost her patience. Giving him a scolding, she said. "You should have carried the meat on your shoulder." On Monday Jack went out once more. A cattlekeeper hired him and gave him a donkey for his day's labour. With great difficulty Jack lifted the donkey on his shoulders and set out for home. As the animal was almost too heavy for him, he walked very slowly. On his journey to home he passed a house where a rich man lived with his beautiful daughter. This girl was deaf and dumb. She had never laughed in her life and the doctor said that she would not be well until somebody made her laugh. The beautiful girl was looking out of the window. She saw Jack carrying the donkey. This funny sight made the rich man's daughter burst into laughter and she was at once able to speak and hear. Her father was very pleased with Jack and gave her in marriage to him. Thus the lazy and foolish young man became a rich geatleman.

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  • Unknown
    05 September, 2021
    বাংলা অর্থ থাকলে আরো ভালো হৈতো