A newsboy is he who delivers the newspapers from door to door. He sells and distributs bron different kinds of newspapers and magazines. All the newspaper loving people wait for his The newsboy is very popular with the newspaper readers. Early in the morning he rides a his bicycle to the nearby news-stand and collects various newspapers. Then he goes free door to door and delivers the papers. He has to do his duty in any weather condition. He has to distribute his newspapers even on a hartal day. On a wet day he covers the papers wih 131. sheet of polythene. He goes out for the work in the dawn. By nine o'clock, he finishes to work of delivering the papers. He does not get paid for the newspapers everyday. He getski payment by the first week of the next month Then he settled his account with the new agent. He gets commission on the sale. His income is very low. We should pay his bi regularly and love him for his kind service.
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