
A Rickshaw-puller Paragraph

A Rickshaw-puller

A rickshaw puller is a very common figure on the roads of cities and towns in Bangaldesh. He pulls rickshaw on the roads and earns his livelihood. His income is so poor that he cannot maintain his family well. He cannot send his children to school. So, he always remains poor. He cannot remove his poverty. He works hard from dawn to late night neglecting unbearable heat of the sun or rainfall and so on. He goes out from his house early in the morning and comes back late at night. He takes food wherever and whenever he gets an opportunity. He earns a little money which is not enough to keep body and soul together. He works all day long. Sometimes he takes rest lying on the seat of his rickshaw. When he earns too little he has to starve with other members of his family. A rickshaw puller leads a very miserable life.

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