
A Shoping Place Paragraph

A Shoping Place

The place where many people go to buy their necessary things is called a shopping place. A shopping place may comprise either only one large building or some building complexes. For example, Bashundhura City shopping Mall comprises only a very large building which is multi storyed but Rajdhani supermarket comprises some small buildings. There are different types of shops in a shopping place. Some shops of garments, some shops are of cosmetics, some are jewellery shops and there are also shops of electronic devices. There are also other shops in a shopping place. All classes of people as customers come to a shopping place to buy their needed goods and products. Generally a shopping place is very splendidly decorated with lights and colours. It is kept very clean, tidy and beautiful as the owners of the shops of the shopping place always try to attract customers with its nice environment. A shopping place is of great importance in people's life. It is not just a place where they can buy things, it is also a place where they can get entertained and refreshed.

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1 comment

  • Anonymous
    11 February, 2025
    very good