
A Street Hawker Paragraph

A Street Hawker

A man who sells various things by moving from street to street is a street hawker. He is a self-employed person. He is a very familiar figure in both cities and towns. In a village, he is also seen. He makes peculiar sound to draw the attention of his customers. His work is tiresome. He carries his materials on head, sometimes in hand, sometimes in a bag and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them with a good profit. His articles are mainly attractive to women and the children. He usually sells toys, cosmetics, ready-made garments, utensils, sweets, ribbons, fruits etc. He always tries to attract his customers so that he can sell well. Although he works hard, his life is miserable. Almost all the time he leads inhuman life. He is a very useful person to the people who cannot go out for various reasons. We should respect a street hawker.

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