
A Struggling Woman Story

A Struggling Woman

Marium is the daughter of a very poor parents. At the age of fifteen, her parents gave her in marriage with a very poor boy. He is very lazy. He does not do any work. So Marium works hard to support her family. But she is always anxious what will happen if she gives birth to a female child. Finally she gave birth a female child. Her husband became very unhappy. She could not tolerate the rude behaviour of her husband. At one stage she left her husband's 81. home. She came to Dhaka City in search of a living. Her daughter began to grow up. She did not lose heart. She came to know that the government had made education free for girls upto H.S.C. So she sent her daughter to school. Her daughter was found to be a brilliant student. She had been doing well in her examinations. She made good results both in the S.S.C and H.S.C. She became a primary teacher. Marium began to see better days in her life.

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