
A Tea Stall Paragraph

A Tea Stall

A tea stall is a place where tea, biscuits and cakes are sold. It is a common place to all walks of people. It opens early in the morning and closes late at night. It remains busy across the day. It is usually found at the turn of the road, in the railway station or steamer ghat, near a factory or in an office. A tea stall is simply furnished chairs, tables and show-cases. A tea stall has normally two parts. In the front part there are chairs, tables and show-cases. In the other part, there is a kitchen. A boy is employed in a tea-stall. He serves the customers with tea. Sometimes, the owner himself serves as the boy and cashier. Different kinds of people gather here. They refresh themselves with a cup of tea and discuss different topics. All kinds of social, political and personal discussions are held in a tea stall. It is a place of entertainment to the village people.

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