
A Vegetable Garden Paragraph

A Vegetable Garden

A vegetable garden means a garden where some special kinds of vegetables for our daily food are grown. A suitable land is necessary for a vegetable garden. That land must be sunny. During the rainy season water must not stand on it. The land has to be prepared well and manured. The soil has to be prepared nicely for planting seeds. All types of vegetables will grow in different seasons. A vegetable garden needs to be taken care. It should be protected from all kinds of attacks such as insects, animals and evil people. Usually vegetables are necessary for our sound health. It carries enough food value. It is the source of minerals and vitamins. Green leafy and yellow vegetables are the best for our body. We all should try to make such vegetable gardens. Vegetable gardens do not require much money, but it can fulfil our demands of vegetables. A good vegetable garden is a great source of income.

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