
A Wolf and a Crane Story

A Wolf and a Crane
An ungrateful Wolf and a Frank Crane

Once upon a time, a wolf had a bone stuck in his throat while he ate his meal. It such pain that he ran up and down and asked all he met to help him. "Oh, save me, save me!" said he with a howl. "Pray, draw out the bone from my throat, and I will give a pot of gold to him who will do it for me." For a long while, no one would dare come near the wolf. But at last he looked so ill and begged so hard with his big prize that a crane took pity on him gave him 0% and agreed to do it. The crane put his long bill down the wolf's throat and drew out the little bone: "Now please. Sir, let me have the pot of gold you spoke of," said the crane. The wolf was now out of harm. So he said, "You fool! Are you not glad enough that you could draw your own head safe out of Wolf's mouth but must have a prize. Aoo!" The crane had to go back and there was no pot of gold for him.

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