
Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life Composition

Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life

William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, "God made the country and man made the town." So, man has attraction to city life because he can enjoy more advantages by living in a city. In a city there are more opportunities for work and employment. There are many offices, industries and factories in a city.

There are more schools and colleges in a city. So there is better scope of education.

In a city people get more and better medical facilities than the people of village. In a city there are more hospitals and clinics. There are more qualified doctors in a city.

Science has made the world smaller. It has invented and discovered many means and ways of communication. So communication has become easier. In a city people can communicate with one another over telephone, telex, fax etc. through less inconvenience.

In a city people need not go to a distant places on foot. There are various types of vehicles in a city by which people can reach a place earlier and faster with less trouble.

People in a city have more scope of practising art, culture and literature. There are more cultural centres and literary clubs.

Since most of the people in a city are educated, they get more opportunity to cultivate their intellect. In a city people enjoy more recreational facilities. There are many cinema halls, theatres, clubs, parks etc.

In a city domestic life is more comfortable. Women need not go to bring water, to collect fire wood etc. to light kerosene lamp etc.

More civic facilities : In a city people enjoy more civic facilities. They get everything at their hand. There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its merits and demerits. Similarly city life has some demerits than merits.

Air is more polluted in a city. It gets polluted in many ways. people can not breath in pure air. Besides this, there are water pollution and sound pollution.

In a city the standard of living is costlier and higher people of limited income lead their life through much hardship. The price of things are very higher.

More violence and crime take place in a city. The criminals do not hesitate to commit crime, violence, killing, hijacking and so many crimes and anti-social activities.

Life in a city is more insecured. People have no safety and security. Less scope of enjoying of natural beauty: He cannot enjoy the wide open sky above, and the green fields, beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. He cannot hear the sweet songs of birds.

Sometimes people in a city get stuck in a traffic jam and as a result they suffer more. There is less scope of getting fresh things. In a city there is adulteration in every thing He is always in a hurry as if some invisible demon, the demon of materialism, drives him on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his divine origin and becomes almost a machine.

Above all, a city is a veritable university for men who like to acquire wisdom from observation and experience. Someone has truly said: "If you would be known and not know, live in a village: if you would known and be unknown, live in a city."

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