
Annual Sports of My School Paragraph

Annual Sports of My School

The Annual Sports of my school was held on the 10th of March amidst rejoicing and merry-making. On the 9th March the olfice bearers in co-operation with the volunteers chosen by them among us. arranged the arena in a suitable way and decorated it very tastefully. They did this under the guidance of the Physical Instructor and some other teachers. Adequate seating arrangements were made for the spectators both male and female. A band party was also hired to make the sports attractive. The D.C. was the chief guest. The Sports Meet started punctually at 10-30 am with the running of the Olympic torch by a student of class X. This was followed by the hoisting of the National flag and the llying of the pigeons of peace. Immediately after this the march past took place and the D.C. took the salute. Thereafter, he declared the opening of the Sports Meet and the competitors took the oath allegiance. Then the actual sports began. The most important events of the sports were 100 metre sprint, 400 metre sprint, 800 metre race, javelin throw, putting the shot, discus throw, broad jump, high jump. hop-step and jump, pole vault, hurdle race, cycle race, weight lifting, pillow fight, 'tug-of war, dress as you like etc. About two hundred students participated in all the events. I participated in three events and got the first prize in all the events. After the end of all the events the D.C. distributed the trophies among the successful competitors. For each event there were three trophies. All the successful competitors also got certificates of proficiency . The fourth successful competitor of each event got only a certificate.

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