
Application for full free studentship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund

Suppose your father is a poor government employee. You have four school going brothers and sisters. Your father can not bear your educational expenses.

Now, write an application to your Headmaster/Headmistress of your school for a full free studentship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund.

12 August 2019
The Headmaster,
Akubpur E.A.B High School,
Muradnagar, Cumilla.

Subject : For full free studentship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund.

I have the honour to state that I am a student of class IX in your school. My father is a primary school teacher. He is the only earning member in our family. His income is very poor. With his poor income he has to maintain a big family of seven members. Three of my brothers and sisters are studying in different schools and colleges. It is almost impossible on his part (পক্ষে) to bear (বহন করা) my educational expenses (লেখাপড়ায় খরচ) anymore. So I am badly in need of (একান্ত প্রয়ােজন) a full free studentship (বিনা বেতনে অধ্যায়ন)/stipend (উপবৃত্তি)/ lump grant (এককালীন সাহায্য)/help from the poor fund দেরিদ্র তহবিল থেকে সাহায্য).

In these circumstances, I pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant me a full free studnetship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund and oblige thereby. 

Your most obedient student, 
Class IX, Roll No. 12

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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    Education Is For all
    20 November, 2022