
Application for permission to go on a study tour

Suppose, you are the student of Dewanganj Pilot High School, Mymensingh. The students of your class want to go on a study tour. So you need permission of the Headmaster. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking his permission to go on a study tour.

20 January 2019
The Headmaster,
Dewanganj Pilot High School,

Subject : For permission to go on a study tour.

We, the students of class X of your school beg to draw your kind attention  to the fact that we are willing to go on a study tour at Paharpur, Mahastangarh and Mainamati. It is a historical place. Monotonous  classes make our life dull  and boring . A study tour can relieve  from this monotony. Moreover, a study tour will increase our knowledge. Two of our teachers have agreed to guide our team. It may kindly be added for your information that the group will consist of 15 members and we want to spend a day at each. place. We think we will need Tk. 2000/- each. We like to contribute Tk. 1500/- each and we will need Tk. 7500/- in addition to our contribution. 

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction Tk. 7500/- for the purpose and make necessary arrangements to make the tour successful. 

Yours obediently, 
The students of Class X.

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