
Application for permission to organise annual cultural function

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for permission to arrange an annual cultural programme at your school auditorium.

20 August 2019
The Headmaster
Barishal Govt. High School,

Subject: For permission to organise annual cultural function.

We have the honour to state that we intend to hold annual cultural function on 30 August 2017 in our school auditorium. Students interested in art and culture have expressed their desire for it. They are willing to recite poems and stage a drama entitled Shasher Kabita by Tagore. Some renowned artists have assured us to be with us. We shall leave no stone unturned to maintain the dignity of our reputed school. We also assure that the expenditure would be minimised as far as we can. 

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be gracious enough to permit us to hold the cultural function in the school. 

We remain, 
Your most obediently, 
The students of 
Barishal Govt. High School.

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