
Application for Relief for the Cyclone Affected People

Recently a devasting cyclone has swept over your area. It has caused a great havoc. Many people are suffering from want of food, cloth, drinking water, medicine etc.

Now, write an application to the T.N.O for relief for the cyclone affected people of your area.

20 November 2018
The Thana Nirbahi Officer,
Sharankhola, Shatkira.

Subject : For relief for the cyclone affected people.

On behalf of the people of Sharankhola. I to draw your kind attention to the fact that a need devasting cyclone visited this area on 15 November 2018. The cyclone of this time has broken all the records of the past. Never before did water level rise so high nor the duration was so long. Thousands of people died and many more have become homeless, foodless and clothless. Even hundreds of the world famous Royal Bengal tigers and the beautiful spotted dear met watery graves due to the cyclone. Almost one fourth area of the Sundarbans has been destroyed by the cruel cyclone. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. There are now scarcity of food and pure drinking water. Crops have been damaged greatly. Herd of cattle have been washed away. Thousands of people are now living under open air, on boats and embankments etc. Moreover, many diseases like cholera, diarrohea, dysentery etc. have broken out here and there. They may turn in an epedemic form at any time. The affected people now badly need food, clothes, medicines. pure drinking water etc.

In the circumstances. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to send enough relief goods to the cyclone-affected people of this area immediately to lessen the sufferings of the people.

Yours faithfully,
Abdul Wadud Khan

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