
Application For remission of delay fine/re-admission

Suppose, your name is Nahid. You are a student of class X. You could not pay your tuition fees for three months on account of your father's absence from home. Your name has been struck off the rolls. Write an application to the Headmaster/Headmistess for remission of delay fine/re-admission.

12 April 2019
The Headmaster,
Sreekail High School,
Muradnagar,  Cumilla. 

Subject : For remission of delay fine/re-admission.

With due respect I beg to inform you that my father went to India for treatment three months before. For that reason I could not pay my tuition fees for the month of February, March and April. As a result, my name has been struck off the roll. I am now in a position to clear off all the dues because my father has come back from India and joined his office. It may also be mentioned that I have been doing well in all the examinations and my teachers have always been satisfied with my progress in studies. 

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly remit the delay fines and receive the usual fees only and give permission of my re-admission. 

I remain 
Your most obedient pupil, 
Class X, Roll No-10

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