
Application for a transfer certificate

Suppose, your father has recently been transferred from Dhaka to Khulna. As such you have to leave your present school. So, you need a transfer certificate from your present school in order to get yourself admitted into a school in Khulna. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a transfer certificate.

August 16, 2015
The Headmaster,
Armanitola Govt. High School,

Subject : Application for a transfer certificate. 

With due respect this is to inform your that my father who is a government employee has less recently been transferred from Dhaka to Khulna. For this, our family is going to be shifted there very soon. This naturally makes me leave your school. 
In these circumstances, I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue a transfer certificate in favour of me so that I can get myself admitted into a school in Khulna. 

I remain, 
Your most obedient pupil, 
Aktar Hossain 
Class-VI, Roll No-3

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