
Birds of Bangladesh Composition

Birds of Bangladesh

There are different types of birds in our country. They are different in colour, size, nature and activities. They have also been classified as teasing birds, weaving birds, singing birds, talking birds, domestic birds, migratory birds, nocturnal birds, birds of prey etc.

The crow is a teasing bird. It is a very common bird in our country. It looks ugly and lives on dirty things.

The babui, the swallow and the tuntuni are the weaving birds. They are called so because they build their nests like tailor.

The shyama, the cuckoo, the doel, the koel, the nightingale etc are known as singing birds. The doel is our national bird.

The moyna, the parrot and the shalik are the talking birds. They are also known as taming birds. 

The owl and the bat are nocturnal birds. They are called nocturnal birds because they come out at night only. 

Apart from these above birds, many guest birds migrate to our land during autumn and winter from other countries. They add to the excellence of beauty but they go back when the winter ends.  

The hawk, the vulture and the kite are birds of prey. They live on fish and flesh. They have keen eyes and sharp nails. 

Birds are our national wealth. They eat harmful worms and insects that destroy our crops. Some of them eat up dirty things and keep nature clean.

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