
Computer Composition

The Necessity of Computer

Computer is the most wonderful contribution of science. It is a grand success of modern technology. It can solve many complex problems within a few time. Computer was not invented overnight. Charles Babez is called the father of modern computer. He invented the structure of computer at first in 1833 AD.

A computer performs three functions. It receives data, processes it and at last emits it. At first the details of work is put into the input of the computer. It is called programme. The computer does not work in our language. So the programme is to put in its own language. The output prints the results with the help of the printing machine. Its signal goes to the memory and the Control Unit leads them to the Arithmetic Unit. After finishing its tasks, it sends them to the result output. Thus result is emitted by computer.

Computer is very useful to us. It is used in our daily life for various purposes. Computer has made a great change in education. The result of various examinations is prepared accurately At present computer is used for diagnosing disease. A new process of operation is invented by computer within a short time. by computer as an alternative to surgery. 

At present, computer is used to run mills, factories and industries in developed and developing countries alike. 

We cannot pass a single moment without computer. It lessens our works and makes our lives easier and simple. But it has not been fully introduced in Bangladesh. So we should use it all over Bangladesh.

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