
Destruction of a Liar Story

Destruction of a Liar

Long long ago there lived a shepherd in a village. It was a big village. The shepherd used  to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. One day he wanted to make fun. So, he began to shout "Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!" The villagers heard his cry and ran to help him. But when they came near him, they found no wolf there and the boy laughed at them. The villagers were befooled by the cunning boy. After a few days he made the same fun. The villagers came again to help him but found no wolf there. But one day a wolf really came and began to kill his sheep. The boy became very frightened and cried for help. The villagers heard him but they thought it was his another fun. So no one came to help him. Firstly the wolf feasted on the sheep and finally killed the shepherd.

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