
Dialogue Between The Librarian and You Regarding Having A Library Card

Suppose, Sumi is a student of class X. She wants to have a library card. Now, write a dialogue between the Librarian and Sumi regarding having a library card.

Sumi : Good morning.
Librarian : Good morning. How can I help you?
Sumi : I want to have a library card.
Librarian : Which class are you in?
Sumi : I am in class X.
Librarian : Have you your identity card?
Sumi : Yes. Here it is.
Librarian : O. K. Please fill in this form.
Sumi : I have filled in the form. Here it is, please.
Librarian : Thanks. Please take your card.
Sumi : How many books can I borrow at a time?
Librarian : You can borrow three books at a time.
Sumi : How long can I keep a book with me?
Librarian : Two weeks.
Sumi : Thank you.
Librarian : Welcome.

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