
Dialogue Between You and Your Friend, "Dialogue Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone."

At present, Mobile Phone has become a common device for communication. But it has both uses and abuses. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend, Rajib on "Uses and abuses of Mobile phone."

Myself : Hello, Rajib. How are you?
Rajib : I'm fine and what about you?
Myself : I'm fine too. It is long time since I met you last.
Rajib : But we have kept constant contact over mobile phone.
Myself : Yes, this mobile phone has become a very important factor in our life. We cannot do without it for a single day
Rajib : Right. It has reduced uncertainly. doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. In fact, it has made our life easy and comfortable.
Myself : And it has made our global communication dynamic and faster.
Rajib : But it has some disadvantages too.
Myself : Right you are. It causes brain tumor. genetic damage and many other incurable diseases.
Rajib : Yes, during conversation, the blood brain barrier may get damaged, the blood pressure may get high and the red blood cells may get affected.
Myself : It is also hazardous for the children and pregnant women.
Rajib : The criminals are also carrying out their operations with the help of it.
Myself : Besides, it causes a lot of harm to the teenagers. They can easily contact with their so called lovers in season and out of season.
Rajib : All these are very true. Though we are getting immense benefits from it, we should use it with care and caution to avoid its demerits.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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