
Drinking Water Composition

Drinking Water

The another name of water is life. Humans, animals and plants cannot live without But the water must be pure. Impure water may cause death.

The water we drink must be pure because some fatal diseases like cholera, typhoid etc. are water. carried on by water.

There are mainly three sources of water- underground water, surface water and rain water.

The best way of purifying water is to boil it long enough. But this is not always possible Among these, rain water is the safest. because gas may not be available. Tubewell water is safe but we must make sure that it is free from arsenic. We can use water-purifying tablets. This is the easiest solution to the problem.

Bottled water is available nowadays but we find reports that it is simply tap water. So we must be alarmed. The government should do everything possible to stop this kind of cheating. Even if the bottled water is pure, it is expensive. Only a few people can afford to buy it. 

People in rural areas often drink surface water. Pond water is the most popular form. But it is dangerous since it contains harmful substances. Surface water must be boiled long enough. Besides, water-purifying tablets should be used. 

People must be made aware of the danger. However, publicity through radio and television may not reach the people living in remote areas. In those areas the local administration might advise people about drinking pure water through mikes.

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