
E-mail to Your Friend lnforming Her about Your Aim in Life

Suppose, your name is Nupur and your firend is Liza. Your friend has written an e- mail to know about your aim in life. Now, write an e-mail to your friend informing her about your aim in life.

Date: 02/03/2015

Subject : Telling about aim of life.

My dear Liza,
I have just got your e-mail. You wanted to know about my aim in life. I am glad to inform My aim is very simple. I wish to be a good school teacher. A good teacher is a great asset for you of my aim in life. a nation. A school teacher's income is not high. But his/her job is interesting and He/She can lead a life of honesty and dignity. He/She makes the future generation. Leaders, lawyers and doctors all are created in his/her hand. I shall have to have enough learning and noble. training to be a successful teacher.

No more today. I wish to know about your aim.

Your loving friend,

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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