
Eve-teasing Composition


Eve-teasing is a euphemism used for public sexual harassment or molestation of women by men, with use of the word "Eve" being a reference to the biblical Eve, who many consider the first woman. Recently Eve Teasing has been growing like an epidemic throughout the country. The term is now very common to the younger generations. It means "to excite girls with unpleasant questions, annoyance, and irritation, ambling limbs and by creating blockade on the way without showing any courtesy." This immoral activity is unfortunately on the increase in our country. Eve teasing is threat that has grown to alarming proportions. Not many cities in Bangladesh are considered safe for women. Though, we are one the fastest growing countries in the world we have not ensured the safety of working women and students. Eve teasing is a huge issue in many metropolitan cities of Bangladesh.

There are many causes of eve-teasing in our country. One of the great causes of eve teasing comes from the natural tendency of man and woman to attract each other when they openly see each other at the stage of puberty. Sometimes male cannot control himself and he indulges with eve teasing.

Open sky culture, satellite communication, internet etc. are to great extent responsible for eve teasing. People see free sex, free mixing of men and women via various television programmes; internet etc. and they try to do same things which caused eve teasing. Obscene cinema and drama sometimes encourage Eve teasing. If a boy finds in cinema or drama an eve teaser a hero, then he is encouraged to involve with eve teasing. Computers and mobiles have become mobile cinema house with free call, free talk time, free SMS. Without showing his identity a man can make friendship with opposite sex, and this kind of friendship causes a lot of eve teasing.

Absence of Law is a great factor of encouraging eve teasing. There are some laws to prevent eve teasing but they are not enough and the implementation of these laws is difficult due to procedural complexity, political influence etc.

Uninterrupted alcoholism and drug addiction is a great cause of eve teasing. When a man devours intoxicating materials, he loses his conscience and that time he can do any bad things like eve teasing.

Unemployed people are evil doers and engaged in eve teasing. When a man has no work to do he becomes a devil and for spending his time he does eve teasing.

To stop eve-teasing education system must be premeditated at a younger age. Parents' role is very significant. They should keep their children from bad influences. Parents must educate their children what to' or 'what not to watch. They should adopt friendly relations with their children rather than being harsh with them. Teachers must play their role to repeat moral teachings in the young minds in a more rational and modern way. The boys should respect the opposite sex, as morality demands it, adding that they should not be unaware to the fact that they have families too. The parents should put utmost trust in their daughters, for this trust will give them the confidence to face the eve teasers bravely and not to be frightened by them. Overall the most important is the consciousness of the women themselves. They should protest strongly against such boys otherwise nobody can do anything against such eve teasers.

Eve teasing must be stopped. Women deserve respect. Men and women are equal. Our lack of consciousness has led to a loss of many lives. But we don't want any more lives to say good bye to this world. Women have the right to live freely in the world. Independence is their birth right. They have the right to lead their lives as males. The family and society should support them mentally. So as the govt. must take things seriously. The country wants both of them to be active in such issues.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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