
Fear of Imaginary Ghost Story

Fear of Imaginary Ghost

I am student of class X. I live in the hostel of my school. During the Ramadan vacation I came to my village house and spent the whole vacation there. After the Ramadan vacation had been over I went to the railway station at a distance of twenty kilometres from my house on foot. I reached the station at 9 O'clock at night. After reaching the station I came to know that the train had left the station a few mintues before. So I decided to return home. There was no transport on the road. I was walking home. I was all alone. There was silence all around. I felt that someone was following me. I was afraid even to look back. I stopped. But I heard no sound. As soon as I walked laster, the sound became louder. I began to run to get rid of the sound. The sound too ran after me. The sight of the imaginary ghost made me nervous. I was sweating and trembling. I walked fast and reached home very soon. I shouted, "Mother! Mother! come out with a light". My mother came out with a candle in her hand. She was alarmed seeing me trembling and sweating. I told my mother everything. My mother saw a small piece of wood stuck to my shoe. Then I realized that this piece of wood made the sound. Only then I felt relieved.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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