
Honesty is the Best Policy Story

Honesty is the Best Policy

Once there lived a poor farmer who worked very hard to maintain his big family. But he could hardly manage two square meals a day. One day while working in the field he found a basket. He picked it up and carried it to his home with great care and showed it to his wife, They opened the basket and became astonished that it was full of gold coins. His wife advised him to use the coins or at least a part of those. The worthy farmer told his wife that honesty is the best policy and he would first try to find out the person whose basket it was. At last he found the owner and gave him the basket. The man gave him thanks but no reward. The farmer came back home and his wife rebuked him. He again said to her, "Honesty is the best policy." After a few days, the owner of the basket came to the farmers house and said, "I'm the squire of this area. I'm very surprised at your honesty. I now appoint you the overseer of all my lands. Keep this one hundred coin as an advance payment of your salary. Enjoy and join the post tomorrow. All the best." He went away. The farmer's wife looked at the coins while he was uttering, "Honesty is the best policy."

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