
My Childhood Paragraph

My Childhood

The best years of one's life are the childhood days. One can hardly forget the memories of these days. I can still remember my childhood days very much. My childhood days were full of pleasurable memories, naughtiness and stream of love. I was born in a village in the district of Satkhira where I passed my childhood. I can recollect easily those childhood days with my parents. I often played with my mother. She was my best friend and companion. But in those days I was also stubborn with my mother for few things e.g toys, entertainments, picnic etc. I have two brothers and two sisters. We went to school together. I remember that my school life was full of pleasurable memories. I had many friends in school. They were very cordial. We played together even in tiffin time. We often went to home together. Every afternoon I played with them in the field. Sometimes I made a quarrel with them over small things but soon forgot about that, I have many sweet memories of these evenings. I still remember the evening of stealing mangoes from the trees of our own with my friends. However, I have my bitter experience as well. One day while playing in the field. I fell down and got hurt in my leg. It caused me a lot of trouble. I could not attend my school because of terrible pain for a week. When I remember my childhood, I heart fills with happiness. I wish I could get those days back!

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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