
My Daily Activities Paragraph

My Daily Activities

I have a daily routine of my own and I try to follow that very strictly. It is my habit to get up early in the morning. I brush my teeth, wash my hands and face and take my ablution  and say my Fazar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air for about half an hour and come back home again. Once again I wash my hands, feet and face. After that I take my breakfast and sit at my reading table. I read for three hours at a stretch. Alter finishing my regular lessons I take my bath and meal. Then I start for my school at 10 am because our school starts at 10.30 am. Our school breaks at 4 pm. Then I come back home straight. Returning home I take my meal and say my Asar prayer. After taking a little rest, I go to the playground to play. Returning home I say my Magrib prayer, Then I prepare my lessons till 10 pm. After that I say my Esha prayer and take my supper. Normally I go to bed at 11 pm. Besides this I read the daily newspapers, weeklies and books on literature and watch TV and listen to radio. There are minor changes in my routine on holidays. On holidays. I go to different places to remove the monotony . This is in brief the description of my typical day.

লেখা-লেখি করতে ভালোবাসেন? লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে উপার্জন করতে যুক্ত হতে পারেন আমাদের সাথে Telegram এ!
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