
My Visit to a Zoo Composition

My Visit to a Zoo

I had the experience of visiting the zoo at Mirpur. During the last winter vacation I along with some of my friends visited the zoo and gathered immense experience.

First we saw a large python lying in its big cage. It was basking in the sun. Its size was really amazing. Then we saw a large number of monkeys jumping and making hitching sound. They were kept in enclosures. We saw lions and tigers. We also saw giraffes, rhinos, deer, snakes, bears, camels and crocodiles. We were scared to see some of the animals. But most of them were in cages. We saw the Royal Bengal Tiger of Bangladesh. It was big and beautiful. It was walking from this side to that side in the cage. Sometimes it stopped and looked at us. We saw an ape. It jumped from bar to bar in the cage. Then it came and stood in front of us. I gave it some nuts. We saw birds chirping in the cages. They were making a lot of noise. Some of them had very bright and colourful feathers and long beaks. We saw the fish swimming in the water in tanks. We also saw some big elephants and some baby elephants. We saw a mongoose in the cage. We also saw some peacocks. They were dancing raising their feathers.

After lunch we had a ride on a camel. We went round the zoo for a long time. So we became tired but we enjoyed the visit to the zoo very much.

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