
Newspaper Composition

Importance of Reading Newspaper

Ours is the age of science and technology. Newspaper is one of the wonders of modern science. In the morning we eagerly wait for a newspaper. We cannot go for a single day without newspaper.

China was the first country to publish newspaper. The Samachar Darpan was the first Bangla newspaper which was published by the Missionaries of Sreerampur. The Indian Gazette was the first newspaper of Indo-Bangladesh.

There are several kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, bi-weeklies, quarterlies etc. The dailies give us fresh news and views of the day.

A newspaper contains all sorts of news and views such as market situation, political affairs, international affairs, games and sports, discoveries and inventions, uncommon happening etc. A newspaper covers the news which is important for the nation. Besides, periodicals and magazines contain stories, poems, essays, novels, articles, biographics, journals etc.

A newspaper is a very important thing in our individual as well as national life. It is called the storehouse of knowledge. The students, the artists, the politicians, the lawyers and all groups of people can know many useful things by reading newspaper. It also helps to grow public opinion. 

Newspapers have their dark sides also. Sometimes they become politically biased and publish false and sensational news. They thus mislead people.  

Newspaper is said to be the fourth state. In spite of this, a newspaper is not an unmixed blessing. It is often politicised. However, the importance of a newspaper is inevitable.

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