
Nothing Should Be Ignored Story

Nothing Should Be Ignored

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry and caught the mouse. Then the mouse prayed meekly, "Please let me go. One day you may need my help." The lion thought for a while and asked the mouse, "How could a little mouse help a lion?" "Well, I will let you go but you must walk carefully." The lion set the mouse free. The mouse was grateful. He thanked the lion. One day the mouse was looking for something to eat. Suddenly he saw that the lion was caught in a net in the jungle. The mouse remembered the lion's kindness and so he rushed to wands the lion. He started cutting the net with his sharp teeth. He set the lion free and told him that a little creature might come of great service even to a giant animal.

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