
Physical Exercise Paragraph

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the regular movement of our limbs of our body according to rules. There are different kinds of physical exercise walking, running, swimming. cycling etc. Walking and swimming are the best kind of physical exercise which are helpful for people of all ages. Physical exercise is necessary to keep our body fit and mind sound. There lies a close connection between body and mind. We cannot think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a better health. The proverb goes, "Health is wealth." A real happy man is one who has good health. A man however poor he may be. can enjoy life best, if he is physically fit. Physical exercise helps us to build a good health. Since health is at the root of all happiness. so to be happy one should take regular physical exercise. Human body is compared with machine. A machine gets rusted for want of proper use. Without taking physical exercise regularly, our body gets rusty. It becomes inactive and weak for want of exercise. Physical exercises keep our body active and the muscles strong. It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. But we must remember that excess of anything is bad. Over-exercise is also injurious to health. Sometimes it tells upon our body and mind. So, we should abide by the laws of physical exercise. Everybody should take regular physical exercise with a view to enjoying sound health and a leading a happy life.

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