
Reading Books Paragraph

Reading Books

Of all the hobbies and pastimes, book reading is the best. Other hobbies give us temporary pleasure. Book reading permanently enriches both temporally and spatially. Books align one with the past, with the tradition thus forms the basis of an individual talent to face the challenges that he may encounter to exist and establish himself. Even an ordinary man may immensely be benefited by a book. For that one needs to expand his area of interest. Literature has a universal appeal so literary compositions may attract all equally. Exceptionally people of other disciplines also may be attracted by books on philosophy: history, psychology, anthropology, politics, economics even medical science. It depends upon a man's interest and inquisition. Charles Darwin, Gregor Mandel were clergies by profession but they are the pioneers of modern biological sciences. Had they not been inquisitive, studious, many branches of biological and social sciences would have remained poverty ridden yet to day. What Francis Bacon told about book reading five hundred years ago, it is equally true till to day. Book reading makes a man perfect, complete in personality, if read extensively within a man's area of interest even beyond his area of interest.

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